"There is magic in seeing something emerge from our hands, however simple. We want to engage in this magic. ~ Cat Bennett
Creativity Meditation Practice - 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18
Tune into your inner wisdom and creativity through meditation, art making, journaling, and sharing. There is something special about having a regular art making practice - like doing yoga, the more you do it the more you are able to know yourself.
Available to all artists at all levels. Twice a month, Tuesdays, 7-9:45pm. $20/session,
$3 materials usage, or bring your own.
Please rsvp your attendance via email, [email protected]
Available to all artists at all levels. Twice a month, Tuesdays, 7-9:45pm. $20/session,
$3 materials usage, or bring your own.
Please rsvp your attendance via email, [email protected]
Making New Year Mandalas - click here
Ritual Workshop to Honor the Unborn - Opening the Heart of the Womb
Artist Mentor Series - info click here
Coming Soon! Book Art Series
This Spring I will be having some weekend book making classes.
We will explore different kinds of bindings and papers, from accordion to hardbound to crazy found object books. The classes will not only be about book structure, but also about themes like: ancestors, wishes, seasons, fairy tales. I can't wait to start making these with you!
We will explore different kinds of bindings and papers, from accordion to hardbound to crazy found object books. The classes will not only be about book structure, but also about themes like: ancestors, wishes, seasons, fairy tales. I can't wait to start making these with you!